Respiratory Care is Therapy for the Lungs.
Expert, Personalized, and Compassionate Care
Community Memorial Hospital’s Cardiopulmonary Department performs a host of functions, ranging from administering respiratory therapy to cardiac testing.
Respiratory therapy services are provided by an on-site Registered Respiratory Therapist every day from 7:00am – 7:00pm. From 7:00pm to 7:00am, services are provided by an on-call therapist.
Pulmonary services in the department include all therapies and testing related to diagnosis and management of lung disorders.
Expert, personalized and compassionate care for our patients is provided under the leadership of Kyle Marchese, Director of Respiratory Therapy.
Specific Respiratory Services Offered Include:
Bronchodilator Therapy - Indicated for any pulmonary condition where bronchoconstriction and/or secretion management may be a problem.
Pulmonary Function Testing - FVC, SVC, MVV, and Flow Volume Loops are offered. This may be useful in the diagnosis of restrictive and constrictive airway disease.
Arterial Blood Gas Analysis - Analysis of arterial blood for oxygenation, carbon dioxide, pH, base excess and saturation.
Smoking Cessation Consultation - A dedicated program provided on an in-patient and out-patient basis, all patients are screened for tobacco use when admitted to our institution, and a therapist sees that patient for counseling within 24 hours. We work in conjunction with the NYS quit line 866-NY-QUITS (866-697-8487), www.nysmokefree.com. Classes are held on a regular basis for the community. They are provided with counseling and nicotine replacement if so desired, free of charge.
Ventilator Management - Critically ill and postoperative patients that require airway management are seen in our Intensive Care Unit, and monitored continuously by either a Respiratory Therapist or a properly trained RN.
Oxygen Therapy - Oxygen is administered according to hospital and department protocol, either by low flow or high flow devices.

Contact Respiratory Care
To make an appointment, call (315) 824-6098.